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Critical Thinking Techniques To Enhance Problem Solving

Critical Thinking Techniques To Enhance Problem Solving

Critical thinking comes from inquiring the right questions to come to the top conclusion possible. The strongest of critical thinkers consider all the available information to find the best solution from various perspectives.

What Do You Mean by Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking means having the ability to find information, analyze it, and form a conclusion. In almost every industry and for every type of position, a person can benefit from having this ability. This is because critical sensing does not have any direct relation with the subject. But is actually the ability of a person to go through information, data, statistics, and other details to identify a satisfactory solution.

Why Critical Thinking Is Important?

Critical thinking is important for everyone because It’s all about being conscious of the decisions that we make. Just to elaborate more on this topic, let’s take a minute to dissect why we make decisions in the first place.

Almost every decision we make is taken to offset three critical stressors:

  1. Physical Stress
  2. Emotional Stress
  3. Material/financial stress

Core Components Of Critical Thinking To Enhance Problem Solving

Some of the core components of this include analysis. Analysis is the breaking down of complex information into smaller parts to understand it. This includes:

  1. Argument identification: Searching for and identifying the issue at hand, usually presented in the form of arguments or claims.
  2. Evidence Appraisal: An examination into the quality and relevance of evidence supporting these arguments.
  3. Examining Assumptions: The overall understanding of the underlying assumptions, whether they are justified or not.
  4. Drawing Conclusions: Putting together information and evidence to form reasoned, logical conclusions.

Effective critical thinking encompasses other key components concerning reasoning, solution of problems, and reflection on one’s own thought process. All of these factors put together help to allow for a more full and objective review of information and arguments.

Some Important Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking is an essential and important part for success in our daily life, higher education, and professional settings.

  1.  Analytical thinking

Analytical thinking is the act of coming to conclusions through an evaluation of data from several sources. Literally, analytical thinking allows a person to reject cognitive biases and strive to collect and analyze intricate subject matter in the process of solving complex problems.

  1. Adaptability

Being open-minded is being prepared to evaluate concepts, claims, and data without bias. This ability aids in the processing and analysis of data so that ,you may reach an objective judgment. Letting go of personal prejudices, accepting the veracity of the material, and formulating conclusions based on several points of view are all components of the critical thinking process.

  1.  Problem solving

At the foundation of critical thinking lies effective problem solving. This involves six components which are: ability to pinpoint problems; suggest possible solutions; compare options; select and carry out the best one. The importance of this skill cannot be overstated in such professions as that of an entrepreneur or someone who manages projects from beginning to end.

  1. Considered decision

Considered decision is an essential aspect of higher-level thinking which requires one to make decisions after rational examination of available data and possibilities. The essence of critical thinking is possessed by this ability. It is very essential and important in schools environment as well as work environments.

  1. Reflective thinking

Reflective thinking involves scrutinizing individual patterns of thought, behavior, and results to arrive at a better comprehension. To solve a problem, effective critical thinking necessitates examining and synthesizing aspects that will create an organized view of it. It’s an essential critical thinking skill for continuous learning and improvement.

  1. Communication

Critical thinkers that show strong communication abilities are able to express ideas powerfully and clearly. Successful leadership, teamwork, and information sharing in the workplace all depend on successful communication.

  1. Decision-making

Decision making is a process to reach the final result of all the above critical thinking skills, which enables a person to draw conclusions and make judgments from the data. It requires a person to sort through available alternatives and their consequences in determining the best course of action.

Here are some of the critical thinking skills that will help you in your personal and professional life.

Barriers to Critical ThinkingTo Enhance Problem Solving

The importance of critical thinking cannot be overstressed in an age where there are such numerous deceptions as “my truth” and “your truth. It will let us think our way through issues to effective solutions, and such a skill deserves all the dedication it takes to be aware of.

Sometimes, invisible barriers must be broken down before a path gets cleared towards it. Because it is so crucially important for our teenagers to develop this skill, to think for themselves in a world forcing them to do bigger than their expectation.

Here are 6 common barriers to critical thinking that may reveal themselves as you seek to teach this vital skill.

  • Lack of practice 
  • Realize the Inability to Teach It
  • Confused sense of reality
  • Fear
  • Seeing Everything through the “Self” Point of view
  • Past Experiences


Critical thinking skills are essential if one is to successfully compromise through all of the challenges that life presents nowadays. They would give him or her the tools necessary to evaluate arguments, examine data, and make wise judgments. These improve a wide range of thinking functions, such as Problem-solving, Analyzing, Evaluation, and Inference. 

These are also helpful in making fair decisions and understanding different viewpoint.

The process of developing critical thinking is deliberate and ongoing. People must interact with the material, challenge assumptions, and use logical reasoning. Approaches should promote reflective thinking, active learning and conversation. The need for students to clearly express their reasoning, when solving real-world situations in order to effectively support critical thinking.

Although, the ability to think critically is not limited to academia. It is also a requirement for social involvement and good citizenship. It gives individuals the power to take political action. Fight social injustice, and create a society that is more just and equitable. This equips people to traverse false information and reach well-reasoned conclusions in the incredibly complex modern information world by encouraging questioning and skepticism.

Jasmine AroraJ

Jasmine Arora

Passionate in creative writing and holding a great knowledge in various categories.

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